Online learning in an international school and how being a part of international school help in overall development of the student

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has transformed from an intriguing idea that experts discuss the theoretical efficiency of, to a reality for millions of students around the world. While whether online learning is better than in-person learning is a highly debatable topic, I believe that ABWA, as an international school, has gone to great lengths to not compromise on the overall development of students during online school.
When online school began, I believed that it would be impossible for the school to not compromise on the discussion and collaboration that we, as international school students, are used to having in real life. This was because students are often reluctant to participate online and are unable to interact as easily. However, when I logged into my first online class in 2020, I realised just how wrong I was.
ABWA’s small classrooms are a blessing in these trying times. With my smallest class having 3 students, and my largest one having 20, classroom discussions with my peers and teachers is not at all inhibited by the online platform. Furthermore, teachers are able to focus on each child with classrooms of this size, to ensure that no child is left behind. The effort each and every teacher puts into doing this is beyond helpful in these stressful times.
Furthermore, the use of online tools such as Google Classroom and Google Drive allow students to access and share resources, and post questions to their teachers on the class forum even after school hours! Our teachers go above and beyond to think of interesting projects for us- to make sure we learn in a dynamic and collaborative way, rather than relying solely on textbooks and course material. That’s right, online school did not stop our teachers from grading us on group projects that involved creativity and learning through poster and video-making, along with our regular tests.
International schools like ABWA do not only strive for tutor-tutee relationships between students and teachers, but also strive for mentor-mentee relationships. Having teachers that are caring, committed and true mentors is something that immediately raises the quality any student’s education, and has the potential to greatly increase the student’s interest in that subject. At ABWA, teachers are accessible to students throughout the day through multiple channels, such as WhatsApp groups, email and google classroom. Every single one of my teachers has been more than happy to conduct extra sessions with me online, to clarify my doubts when needed. This has definitely overcome any communication barrier students had feared would be a part of online learning.
International schools contribute to the holistic development of students by allowing them to think critically, collaborate, develop social skills, develop emotionally, and excel academically. This holds true for ABWA, even during online school. Image source-freepik



Anika Khanna



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